Mercedes Khali is a horror and dark comedy writer whose work gives voice and power to the non-conventional, angsty, and emo Black girls of the world by ensuring that they are NEVER a sidekick, token, or heartfelt self-sacrifice.

In her nightmares, all the Final Girls are Black.

As a founding member and ongoing collaborator of The Write or Die Chicks, she has written and produced work including her horror sci-fi short MOTHER, that streamed on Shudder as a part of the NYX 13 MINUTES OF HORROR 2022 anthology collection.

She is a regular contributor to the WODC’s original horror anthology podcast, A BAD FEELING HORROR PODCAST, lending her writing, producing, and voice acting talents to the first two seasons and is currently developing the third.

When she’s not writing, you can find her skating for her life alongside OC Roller Derby and petting every cat within arms length.

Check out her loglines and request to read her work via Coverfly.

See her prior credits and follow what she’s creating next on IMDb.

Listen to the latest episodes of A BAD FEELING HORROR PODCAST.

Current Projects

BECUMMING - Short (Pre-Production)

When a sixty year old widow finds herself unfulfilled, she embarks on an unexpected journey to sexual rediscovery that allows her to reconnect with herself and her late husband.

Written and Directed by Mercedes Khali


A continuation of the original horror anthology podcast from The Write or Die Chicks. Mercedes will be a contributing writer, producer, and voice actor for several episodes of the new season.